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Engineers and Businesspeople

24-Hour Coverage

for Indiana's Public Employees
Welcome to IPEP

IPEP (Indiana Public Employers' Plan) is a nonprofit, self-funded workers compensation program for Indiana public employers. We offer training, risk management, and a series of benefits.
Find everything that you need right at home in Indiana.

How does IPEP work?

Quick Links
Image by Luis Villasmil

How and when you should report a
Workers Compensation claim

Doctor and Patient
Health Coverage

Learn about the different plans we offer to support you and your team

Family at a Beach
Risk Management

Accidents are preventable through resource management. Find out how to reduce risk




Toll Free 800.382.8837

Phone 765.457.9161

Fax 765.868.3310


Email [email protected]


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IPEP is an Indiana not-for-profit corporation organized in December 1989. Its purpose is to operate a self-funded group program for the purpose of satisfying the obligations of the members under the Indiana Workers' Compensation Act, the Indiana Workers' Occupational Diseases Act and the Indiana Employers' Liability Act. Membership in IPEP is limited to political subdivisions and governmental entities of the State of Indiana.

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